I see, even if I don’t want

Stéphanie Lotz




Behind a face, there’s a whole world. In the face of a gaze, there are worlds and their realities. Ignorance would be more comfortable, but sensory percpetion definitely prevents from indulging in consciousness comes in.
Can you hide it? Can you avoid it? Only to a certain extent, since even il I don’t want to, I can see. Fighting against the ability not to feel concerned, the need for alterity compels, interdependence becomes obvious, involves empathy overwhelms you and give you the impetus to rescue, to let know and to steal reactions, actions against deprivation, save souls, save women.
– I’m not hiding, but can you see me? Do you know who I am? I’m not just a docile face, my hands are not only useful. My hands and my face reflect my life, my need for others and their understanding and compassion too. I want to symbolize neither the resilience written on me as a fatality, nor the self-sacrifice. Life was not offered to me just to be resignation. It’s realy not a fate I want for myself.





